Multipitch Climbing @ Seneca

It was a cold rainy Saturday. Alex, Garrett, Ryan, Ian, Elani and I hit the road for Seneca at 5:30am. A few bleary-eyed hours later, we racked up in the parking lot and hit the rock. A few of us used the cold rain as motivation to get some practice climbing in our mountaineering boots, training for winter ascents.

Elani and I climbed up a slippery Ecstasy Junior, Old Ladies, and Old Mans. After those 9 pitches, our rope got stuck at the top of Traffic Jam, so I had to reclimb and down climb the last pitch. Darkness caught us, so we rapped down by headlamp. Alex and Ryan got trapped behind a team of six on Old Mans. Garrett and Ian hit pitch 1 of Conn's East and then SECOND PITCH OF SOLER.

On Sunday, the weather had cleared and warmed. Alex and Ryan used creative route-finding on Ecstasy, Garrett and Ian jammed up Green Wall, and Elani and I cruised up Thais. Summit rendezvous inspired silly photos.

Caving trip to Laurel Caverns

Three Explorers Club members and I went and crawled around in dark, dank, and deep recesses of Laurel Caverns. Members Monica, Robert, and Kira and I participated. A good, dirty time was had by all. Laurel Caverns is a privately owned and commercially operated cave. 


New River Gorge

8 Explorers (Aria, Maddie, Kristy, Steph, Elani, Andy, Matt and Derek) set out at the ass crack of dawn for a weekend at the New. Highlights of the car ride there included spontaneous bird sounds coming from Aria's phone (?) and an adventure through some thick fog.

After meeting up with Ryan we hiked out to Sandstonia, not without risk - our fearless leader Matt slipped on the treacherous pathway and rolled his ankle. Andy took the first lead on Five-Five My Ass (5.6) while Ryan put up Plumber's Crack (5.6). Ryan (and Derek) led Crescendo to Zeitgeist (5.10a). Matt then put his one good leg to use ascending the rope by prusik. Elani led Shady Lady (5.7) and Matt climbed it gracefully using his right knee. The team ended the day late (thankful for headlamps) finishing up with Bobby-D’s Bunny (5.6), and Mrs. Field’s Follies (5.8). We then made our hungry and tired way back to the campsite, where feasting ensued. Elani made room in the crowded car for her guitar, resulting in a late night jam session in which Ryan created a hit song "Climbing on that West Virginia Rock" and we all had some good rowdy singing (?) before passing out in the tents. 

The next day, one car headed back while four of us (Elani, Derek, Andy and Ryan) headed to the Bridge to get in another day of climbing. Ryan lead Easily Flakey (5.7) and Elani got some experience cleaning trad (with the exception of one nut which was rescued by Andy). In the interest of time, the team set up topropes on Jaws (5.9+) and Chockstone (5.9+) which all 4 of us enjoyed thoroughly. We then returned to Pittsburgh tired, hungry, bruised, bleeding and happy. 


Multipitch Climbing @ Seneca

For the first time in a few years, we have enough trad leaders to run a trip to Seneca! Dan, Ven and Jordan followed as Nate, Alex, Sherman, Ryan and I led pitch after pitch of on Seneca's 'kitty-litter' quartzite. Gunsight, Ecstasy, Green Wall, Soler, Climbing Punishment, Triple-S, and Marshall's Maddness were among classics we hit.
